32 things I learnt by existing.

Another year where it seems like nothing has changed, but it really feels like everything has. Here's what I know after existing for the last 32 years.
  1. You’ll be different versions through your life, but make sure all those versions are just an extension of who you are.
  2. People will always find a way to hate something about you, so make sure you always work on liking yourself.
  3. Not all comfort zones are bad. In your 20s, yes get out of those comfort zones, it is where you will find yourself or at least find what you absolutely don’t want. In your 30’s having a comfort zone and liking where you are is not a bad thing. Comfort zones could easily turn into stability.
  4. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH A 9-5 JOB. While things might not be glamorous or exciting, the importance of the inflow of a steady monthly income is underrated.
  5. It is okay if the family you create is sometimes more important than the family you come from.
  6. Take care of yourself constantly - mentally and physically. This doesn’t mean having an unrealistic body goal, or being happy always. Whatever state of mind of body you’re in at the moment, take care of it.
  7. Be kind to yourself, because almost always no one else is going to be.
  8. Don’t take everything personally. But if more than 2 people say the same thing about you, introspect. There is always room for improvement.
  9. Find your style. But not before you TRY out everything. Your pictures and style don’t need to be perfect. There should be some stuff you’re embarrassed to look at.
  10. Work a little harder on developing a personality. Find things you like, indulge in some cultural experiences.
  11. Your appearance DOES matter. But it isn’t the cookie cutter beauty standards that stand out. Understand what looks good on you, figure out your look and your groove and always make sure you look clean and presentable. THAT leaves a great first impression.
  12. If there is someone who knows more than you, at work or in your personal life, learn from them, don’t compete with them.
  13. Parents and older people aren’t always RIGHT. They do their best, it’s okay if you disagree with them. But do so, respectfully.
  14. Falling in love is important. All loves don’t last and that’s okay. But experiencing it changes you in ways you never thought it would. And yes this includes heartbreak.
  15. Damage isn’t always great. Sure what doesn’t break you makes you stronger, but I could’ve been a lot stronger had I not been unnecessarily broken.
  17. Once you’re at a comfortable place in your career, find a different income stream. Find something where you can use you other skills that you don’t use at work. It will help sharpen your mind.
  18. Don’t beat yourself up about savings. Yes they are important and you should save, but If you haven’t yet, start now. It’s okay.
  19. Healing doesn’t happen suddenly, it is an ongoing process, and it will always be ongoing.
  20. Having separate friend circles will be a savior to your sanity.
  21. Never ever stop upskilling, even when you’re moving up in your career. When you move up, you will have people who will learn from you or at least take directions from you, make sure those directions are worth taking.
  22. Education is imperative but it isn’t what will help you succeed in your career. Always absorb lots of information about your field of work, that is what will really help.
  23. As a person who went through years of internships, let me tell you, THEY ARE IMPORTANT. Even the ill treatment. There are people willing to hire you without any experience and teach you, be open to it. For those 2 months, don’t anything personally, ASK A LOT OF QUESTIONS and absorb as much as you can.
  24. Always be willing to leave a toxic environment. Be it a home, a relationship, a job, a friendship, whatever. Sticking around is not a show of strength in every scenario.
  25. IF you’re an empath, find a way to recuperate mentally or physically. It sounds cliche, but you REALLY cannot pour from an empty cup.
  26. READ. Please READ. Read anything, articles, short stories, novels, fiction, non-fiction, whatever. ‘I’ve never read a book’ or ‘I can’t sit in one place and read’ will stop being cool eventually and is never attractive.
  27. As a person whose screen time is 20 hours, it is unrealistic to take the phone away or a screen away before you sleep. But try to limit your screen time to 1 screen and not multiple ones at the same time.
  28. Be nice, be polite - it is honestly the least you can do.
  29. Take advice from everyone, but only act on it if it works for where you are in life.
  30. Stand by your choices. Whatever they are. No alcohol, no smoking or excessive smoking, whatever it is. But don’t feel bad if there are people you lose because of those choices. That’s okay too.
  31. Get to know yourself. Your love language, your favorite activities, your favorite foods, the outfit that makes you feel most confident - this guide book will help you on the days when you feel like you’re losing yourself.
  32. It is absolutely okay to have a completely different personality than the people you hang out with. As long as you’re accepting and they’re accepting, it doesn’t REALLY matter, you don’t have to be clones.


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