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Happy? New Year, 2023

Usually, Christmastime comes with reflections. I pen those reflections down and bid the year adieu. Writing still feels alien to me and I still cannot believe I used to do this as often as every single day before. Everyone has their ins and outs decided for this year, and it’s beautiful to watch people gunning towards metamorphosis with so much clarity. Isn’t that what a new year really is? Ground zero. A fresh start. If you start doing something completely unlike your being, people say, “That’s who you are now? Fair enough.” I’ve always loved talking to people about their resolutions, the passion with which they make a list of things that would help them transform comes from such a deeper place. It is a list of things they wished they could fix - a list that came from getting to know themselves a little better. This list represents hope but more than that, it represents action - it represents someone taking matters into their own hands to improve their life. Sure most of the resolutio...

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